Manifesting 201

Top 3 Mistakes Our Clients Make Manifesting. Unblock your manifestations, step into your purposeful life and STAY THERE!!

FREE LIVE WEBINAR: 2 Chances to Join

Jan 12th at 10am MST -or-  Jan 16th at 2pm MST



caution: may result in massive shifts in your life, having more money and energy


Manifesting 201

Top 3 Mistakes Our Clients Make Manifesting. Unblock your manifestations, step into your purposeful life and STAY THERE!!

FREE LIVE WEBINAR: 2 Chances to Join

Jan 12th at 10am MST -or- Jan 16th at 2pm MST



caution: may result in massive shifts in your life, having more money and energy

Does this sound like you?

  • You've tried all the tricks: affirmations, vision boards, visualizations, etc., but you are stuck in a life that doesn't full-fill you.
  • You know you have a large purpose in the world that you are not fulfilling and it's nagging you!
  • You HAVE manifested before, BIG TIME, but it's only a short amount of time before you are right back where you started. 
  • You do your best to think positively and repeat your affirmations but nothing big is really changing for you?

Troubleshoot Your Manifestations

You're not alone, we have helped dozens of people clear the blocks that are in the way of getting and KEEPING their manifestations. There are really only 3 reasons people get stuck. Find out what they are and how to avoid them in this FREE WEBINAR.

Sign Up Below!

Hello there. I'm Assétou Xango

I help Black Femmes develop internal resources that support their dreams and visions, improve or replace their relationships with ones that are fuller, healthier and enlivening, and clarify their vision so they can approach life with confidence.

I use my unique skills in writing, performance, mental health and spirituality to coach people all over the world on how to capture their story, own their healing and live their truth. Through this work, we locate what stories and imprints from the past are keeping them from having the life they deserve. My work promotes internal and external harmony. We build connection by way of the deep reckoning with conflict, systemic oppression and all the things that bind us from each other. 

Hello there. I'm Assétou Xango

I help Black Femmes develop internal resources that support their dreams and visions, improve or replace their relationships with ones that are fuller, healthier and enlivening, and clarify their vision so they can approach life with confidence. 

I use my unique skills in writing, performance, mental health and spirituality to coach people all over the world on how to capture their story, own their healing and live their truth. Through this work, we locate what stories and imprints from the past are keeping them from having the life they deserve. My work promotes internal and external harmony. We build connection by way of the deep reckoning with conflict, systemic oppression and all the things that bind us from each other. 

Assétou is dedicated to creating spaces for Black Femmes and Enbys who want to live their life fully and authentically...

 Heal deeply and unburden themselves from the past so they can launch into the fulfilling life that’s waiting for them...

All while living and envisioning their life from a truly guided space

You've felt it for a long time...

...the aching to be bigger, greater, to use your voice. You see people having the life you know you deserve. The one you knew would be yours since you were young. You’re ready to step into this reality but have no idea how to get there.


Jan 12th 11am MST -or Jan 16th 2pm MST


I'm your host Assétou Xango!

I am a Healer and Coach helping Black Femmes move from a state of fear to power by healing their unhealed traumas and owning their power.