"I am a deep ancestral cry near the ocean"

Poetry & Secrets


Assétou Xango

"I am a deep ancestral cry near the ocean"

Poetry & Secrets

By Assétou Xango

Do not be afraid to feel,

deeply & fully,

all the sensations that occur in this body are yours.

remove the barricades.

they stop you from moving, that stop you from visiting.

what belongs to you.


The more we ignore our unhealed parts, the louder and angrier they get. My affinity and love affair with the darkness makes me the perfect guide to help you be with the parts of yourself that need healing. Once you become comfortable with the darkness, you are comfortable in all areas of your life and are at ease with fear, and going for your dreams. To become comfortable with things like risk, stress, fear, or anger means there is nothing to hold you back from creating the life you want. Too many programs, coaches and self-help books teach you how to find the light. I teach you how to navigate your darkness with the ease and grace that is your birthright.

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